Sound Waves

My 10 years with the Trust

Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust Season 2 Episode 3

Almost ten years ago - to the day! - Izzy Ball came on her first Trust trip. She sailed from the Isle of Wight while in recovery from Hodgkin lymphoma. 

Every year since, she's made space for the Trust. She became a regular at residential trips as she returned to sail time and again. Then, when the time came, she became a volunteer, able to provide support from the perspective of someone who had been there herself.

Alongside all this, she and her family have been dedicated fundraisers for the Trust (and our close partners CLIC Sargent). As well, she's graduated with a degree in teaching, having began her journey with the Trust before she even started secondary school.

We hope you enjoy Izzy sharing her story. It's a fantastic insight into a long-term and ongoing relationship with the Trust and how that changes over the years. It's also eye-opening to hear about the different ways the Trust fits into people's lives as they grow and and bring something different with them every time. 

Cheers to ten years, Izzy. We can't wait for the next one.